
Funny Christmas Gifts for Republicans 2016

Desk organiser

For those social workers lucky enough to have their own desk, any type of storage or organiser would not go amiss this Christmas. Shops like Ikea and John Lewis have a range of basic desk tidies, but more creative options can be found on sites such as Etsy, like these wooden blocks or 3D-printed hexagonal pots. For those with a more generous budget, this wall-mounted organiser will get a desk sorted in no time.

@GdnSocialCare mindfulness groups at work, managers who are sensitive & skilled, supervisors well trained & experienced & small case loads

— Adrienne Ayres (@adrienne_ayres) December 12, 2016

(Personalised) posh stationery

Treat the social worker in your life to a more glamorous notebook for all their appointments, reminders and thoughts in 2017. There are thousands to choose from, but if you head over to sites such as Papier, Ohhdeer or Chroma you'll find a range of beautiful, ornate stationery, some of which can be personalised.

Clare in the Community calendar

And to help your special social worker organise their time – as well as their desk – next year, how about this Clare in the Community calendar? Cartoonist Harry Venning, whose weekly cartoon is a SocietyGuardian staple, has put together 12 humorous illustrations that will hopefully cheer up anyone on the more trying days.

Afternoon tea – go on, treat your social worker.
Afternoon tea – go on, treat your social worker. Photograph: Justin Tallis/AFP/Getty Images

Tea subscription ...

We've recommended this before, but it's still true that social workers love a good cuppa. This year, how about going gourmet with the tea selection? Sign up your special social worker to a tea subscription, such as Bruu tea, Blue Bird Tea Co. and Eteaket, that can be delivered to their desk (or the one they use the most) on a monthly basis.

... and a new mug

Don't forget to give them something to drink all that tea from. There are so many social worker-themed mugs out there, but this one – I'm a social worker, what's your superpower? – is a particular favourite. We also love these colourful loose-leaf teapots, perfect for all the fancy tea you'll be drinking.

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Cake, cake, cake

And for something to munch on while you're at it, it has to be cake. Why not buy a baking cookbook or two, or sign up for a day of baking classes? If you're in London, Bread Ahead or Konditor & Cook are highly-rated, but there are schools dotted all around the country.

Afternoon tea

In fact, why not combine the two and book an upmarket afternoon tea for your beloved social worker? For all the posh cake and tea he or she could ever want, Bettys is an absolute classic.

Chill pills

We love the idea of administering "chill pills" in times of great stress. Sadly, this jar does not actually come with any sweets, but it does give some inspiration for a lovely homemade gift; save a leftover jam jar, sneak a sticker from the stationery cupboard and fill with their favourite pick 'n' mix.


For those on a budget (especially after any Christmas extravagances), taking in your own lunch is a surefire way to save money. But leave the grimy Tupperware at home and take in your sandwiches and fruit in any one of these colourful lunch bags or boxes.

Stack of books
You can't go wrong giving books for Christmas. Photograph: Alamy Stock Photo

Really long books

How about some long books to while away all the hours spent in transit? If they've already read War and Peace, Infinite Jest and Don Quixote, you could always turn to the appropriately-titled In Search of Lost Time by Marcel Proust – at 4,215 pages it's sure to get your social care worker through a number of tortuous journeys. All these big books might get a bit heavy though, so a Kindle or other e-reader might be in order, or an audiobook subscription (browse the year's best buys).

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Power bank

All social workers could do without the onset of panic when their phone starts to run out of battery in the middle of a day full of meetings and appointments. Beat any low-battery anxiety with a power bank. The Zendure A2 is the best rated by PC Advisor and will charge iPhones and Androids.

Abstract painting
It doesn't have to be Turner Prize-winning, but artwork can make the perfect gift. Photograph: Albright-Knox Art Gallery/© 2016 Robert Rauschenberg Foundation, New York / Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY Photograph by Tom Loonan


We're sure not many social workers will want a constant reminder of their work at home, but some cheery and motivational artwork would be welcomed in any drab council building. We like this print. A magnetic lightbox would also serve well to spread cheery and motivational messages around the office.

A donation

We know that social workers can't be everywhere all the time, so why not make a donation in their name to a charity – such as Mind or the Samaritans – that will support vulnerable people when they can't.

  • Still seeking inspiration? Here's last year's list of perfect prezzies.

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